


the piano guys

31,The Piano Guys直译为“钢琴男孩儿”,台湾翻译成“酷音乐团”。apple music在中国区上架后,有译“钢琴达人”。作为Neo-classical目前的代表性乐团之一,初衷是创造出能够激励人们的音乐和视频,想将自己的音乐带给这个世界。The Piano Guys改编的古典音乐融合自然、过渡流畅,MV拍摄优美大气、富于想象力。他们推出的音乐视频制作巧妙,画面优美很适合边听边看。他们常常为了达到最唯美震撼的效果到不同地方取景,甚至把钢琴搬到一些意想不到的地方,让乐迷惊叹不已。他们在Youtube上的点击率超高,全球各地都有粉丝。他们在2012年7月曾经说过要想办法到长城上演奏,结果真的在天津蓟县黄崖关长城实现了!钢琴是从真武殿位置用吊车吊上长城后再由人抬钢琴就位。

这就是《功夫魔琴:大提琴的崛起》。The Piano Guys的前身是美国犹他州圣乔治的一家乐器店。某天,Paul在店里等客人,Jon Schmidt走进来,希望能够借一架钢琴来为自己要演出的音乐会练习。Paul被Jon Schmidt的音乐天赋震惊了,之后他们就开始一起做MV。“刚开始,做出来视频都很单调,但久而久之,我们渐渐能够做出来复杂的作品。我们和Jon拍摄出几个视频后,他把我们介绍给了Steven Sharp Nelson,我们见过最好的大提琴家。Jon和Steven已经合作演出很多年了,我们发现,合作起来,我们能够成立起一个出色的团队。就这样我们有了后来的成就。”,中文名

Jon Schmidt,Steven Sharp Nelson,(从左到右),-Paul Anderson (制片人兼摄影师 根据the piano guys的官方网站信息,若不是他,这个组合组建不起来),- Tel Stewart (音乐制作方面),- Al Van Der Beek(音乐创作兼创作人),the piano guys作品

the piano guys代表作,Love Story Meets Viva La Vida(大部分中国听众听到他们的第一首曲子),The Cello Song(根据巴赫的一首大提琴独奏曲改编),Pirates of the Caribbean,All of me,Let me in,Michael Meet Mozart,Moonlight,Desert Symphony,O Fortuna(布兰诗歌),Without you,Adele Rolling in the Deep,Rock meets rachmaninoff,fight songs/amazing grace,(好听的曲子太多,可去优酷和youtube上找),the piano guys作品目录,Jarrod Radnich - Harry Potter Theme,Jarrod Radnich - Pirates of the Caribbean,Jon Schmidt - All of Me,Jon Schmidt - Dumb Song,Jon Schmidt - Game Day (Indoors),Jon Schmidt - Game Day (Outdoors),Jon Schmidt - Just the Way You Are,Jon Schmidt - Rock meets Rachmaninoff - Piano Remix,Jon Schmidt - To The Summit,Jon Schmidt - Waterfall,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Bring Him Home,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Linus and Lucy,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Love Story Meets Love Story,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Love Story Meets Viva La Vida,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Michael Meets Mozart,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Michael Meets Mozart (Behind the Scenes),Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - O Fortuna(Carmina Burana),Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Rolling In The Deep,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson & Adele - The Piano Guys - Rolling in the Deep,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Where Are You Christmas,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Without You,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson & Alex Boye - Paradise,Preston Powis - Let Me In,Steven Sharp Nelson - Carol of the Bells,Steven Sharp Nelson - Cello Wars,Steven Sharp Nelson - Moonlight,Steven Sharp Nelson - Nearer My God to Thee (for 9 cellos),Steven Sharp Nelson - The Cello Song,The Piano Guys - Desert Symphony (Southern Utah's Landscape),The Piano Guys Day Off,The Piano Guys Win YouTube Thank You!,Tiffany Alvord - The Piano Guys - Secrets,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Bourne Vivaldi,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - A thousand Year,Steven Sharp Nelson - Canon,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson &Lindsey stirling-Mission Impossible,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - The Lord of the Rings主题曲,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - We Three Kings,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson & Paul Anderson & Tel Stewart & Al Van Der Beek,- What makes you besutiful (十手连弹),Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Begin Again,Steven Sharp Nelson - Berlin,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Home,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Begin Again,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Kung Fu Piano: Cello Ascends,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson - Arwen's Vigil,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson -Batman evolution,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson -Fight Song/Amazing Grace,Jon Schmidt & Steven Sharp Nelson-live!,词条图册

歌手/the_piano_guys.txt · 最后更改: 2022/05/10 18:09 (外部编辑)