


one track mind

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英文,歌曲歌词,Love is like problems,爱变成了难以割分的困扰,We all got 'em,时刻将你我烦扰,A dark night, remember,犹记那夜 夜幕笼罩,The sunrise, surrender,日出东方 方才投降,There isn't any other way,其实并非是走投无路,There isn't any other way,绝境中并非不能逢生,Hands tied, remember,缚紧的手 刻骨铭心,It's suicide to surrender,心甘情愿 飞蛾扑火,There isn't any other way,其实并非是走投无路,There isn't any other way,绝境中并非不能逢生,我总是那样狭隘,I have a one track mind,我总是那样狭隘,I have a one track mind,总是爱把事情极端地看,There is a method to the madness, to the madness,尽头是无尽的疯狂等待,Gotta have a one track mind, ooh,盲目的心 无比狭隘,The sex and lies, remember,鱼水之欢 谎言相待,Look in my eyes, surrender,难以直视 软弱不堪,There isn't any other way,其实并非是走投无路,There isn't any other way,绝境中并非不能逢生,Outta luck, outta time,运势已去 时日无多,Outta sight, I'm outta mind,渐行渐远 心已癫疯,Mind,失智心疯,I have a one track mind,我总是那样狭隘,I have a one track mind,总是爱把事情极端地看,There is a method to the madness, to the madness,尽头是无尽的疯狂等待,Gotta have a one track mind, ooh,盲目的心 无比狭隘,Rode around town, I made it official now,在城里尽情炫耀 我终于名声大噪,Think about you every now and again,至今还是会想起从前,There's the times, spend days fuckin' with you, girl,与你一起共赴云雨的那些天,On my downtime, lockin' in,低谷颓人 自我封闭,Take a ride around downtown,随心驱车在闹市中央,I'm not in the rain time,非是在那梅雨之季,Come alive in the nighttime,我于夜晚焕然心生,When the rain stay,当那阴雨不愿离去,When the rain mine,当那阴雨洇湿我心,Love is like problems,爱变成了难以割分的困扰,We all got 'em,时刻将你我烦扰,How come when you stop poppin',你又怎能停驻不前,Everybody problems,日日夜夜的无尽烦恼,Come your problems,因你源起的无尽苦恼,Let me cry about it,就让我为此决堤泪腺,Ain't my problems,这并非是我的过错,Ain't my fault, Mr. Kells with the shakka,并非是我的过错,Heard it's only 30 seconds 'til Mars,离火星仅仅三十秒的距离,Then it take you even less just to get to my heart,在那之前 你却早已俘获了我的心,I have a one track mind,我总是那样狭隘,Method to the madness,尽头是无尽的疯狂等待,One track mind,那样狭隘,Method to the madness,尽头是无尽的疯狂等待,One track mind,那样狭隘,Method to the madness,尽头是无尽的疯狂等待,One track mind,那样狭隘

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歌手/one_track_mind.txt · 最后更改: 2022/05/10 18:08 (外部编辑)