




ADJFizzy liquids contain small bubbles of carbon dioxide. They make a sound like a long “s” when you pour them. (饮料等) 嘶嘶冒气泡的

fizzy drinks 汽水 ; 碳酸饮料,Bubble Fizzy 泡泡狂热,not fizzy 无气泡的,Fizzy Wine 低起泡葡萄酒,Fizzy Womack 作曲,fizzy hair 满是小卷的头发,fizzy drink 汽水 ; 起泡饮料 ; 整天喝甜味碳酸饮料 ; 碳酸饮料,fizzy milk 牛奶汽水,FIZZY TEA 绿茶美人女士香水

Why not turn the fizzy fun into an epic party prank of your own?,为什么不把制造泡沫的乐事变为一个史诗般的聚会恶作剧呢?,So you brush your teeth after every meal, choose herbal tea over fizzy drinks, and snack on fruit not sweets.,想必你一定会在饭后必刷牙,喝花草茶而不喝汽水,吃零食时会用水果来代替甜品。,So if you have a can of fizzy drink and sip it all day long, then the acid in your mouth will be under constant attack.,这样一来,如果你一整天都在小口啜饮一罐饮料,就等于那些酸性物质一直在攻击你的牙齿。

歌手/fizzy.txt · 最后更改: 2022/05/10 18:08 (外部编辑)