




[1],歌曲歌词,Wishing you would answer all these phone calls  我真想有人回我电话  I’m on the other side of the stone wall  当我在铁幕的另一边  Hope I could break through, be the one that you admire  我真想突破那个瓶颈当让你们都来崇拜  I just wanna be like David Blaine on TV spitting fire  像电视里吐火的魔术师大卫一样  Now I’m so sick and tired, surrounded by these liars  我现在好恶心,周围围着一圈骗子  All these f-ckboys analyzing my attire  还有丑人对我的便装强行分析,They say the beats are banging but they never fit the market  有人只想音乐更好但永远不会去逢迎市场  They say rap overall probably should’ve started  他们说说唱早就该走起来了  Let alone the fact that you don’t rap the language  且不说你唱的根本不是这东西  The list of reasons not to do it seems endless  你还总有太丰富的借口去逃避  I see my classmates living life driving cars  我同学他们各有生活也开着车  I’m in the lab mixing tracks and just rhyming bars  我就在棚里弄些声轨还录些歌  Enough, of being pushed around  够了,摆布和操弄  I will bury all your curses to the ground  要把这些恶咒都埋葬  I’m so tired of what u say, I’m so tired of being down  我不想再听故事,不想再居人下  I will bury all your curses to the ground  全都埋了吧  And I’ma piss on it  去他*的*  Where you at, slows you down  站的地方,让人跑不起来  The city ain’t got love and you know it now  你可知道仅一空城是不会有爱  How you gon’ put your music out on retail  有人还在把音乐挂出去卖  How you gon’ read and not reply my email  有人还是看了邮件但不回复  Everything turns cliche these days  日光之下实在并无新事  So they shut doors down no room for leeway  所以有人关门且毫无办法  Better watch the way that you gon’ talk to me, it’s properly  你以后最好小心说话,要注意合适  Cos I don’t have the time to come around and have you stopping me  因为我没时间跟你反复  I really need to feed the fam and selling beats is part of the plan  我有名声要经营,卖beatz是重要一步  You see me stressing out of breath but screw the rest its harder to stand  虽然你能看见我压力山大,且剩下的路更**的难走  the fact that we just play the game according to the deck of cards  我们都是只能拿着手上定好的牌去打而已  I didn't come this far just to come this far  我可不是为了走这么远而走到现在的


歌手/10K.txt · 最后更改: 2022/05/10 18:08 (外部编辑)