



0,但丁之舟,是一支来自四川绵阳的交响旋律力量金属乐队。乐队成员:谢知恒(主唱、和声、节奏吉他)、张贝 汪泓宇(主音吉他)、李颖(小提琴)、魏静。,中文名


专辑封面,主音吉他:张贝汪泓宇,小提琴:李颖,女声:魏静,附:,【乐队名称】但丁之舟,【唱片名称】最后的胜利,【音乐风格】旋律力量金属,【唱片编号】MORT 034,【唱片格式】CD,【唱片类型】专辑 【发行时间】2009年5月2日,曲目及歌词:,1.序曲 Intro,(无歌词),2. 最后的胜利 Final Victory,Fighting with the dark,与黑暗抗衡,Searching for the light,追寻着光明,My rage is the will of god,我的愤怒来自神的意志,I am the arrow of revenge,我是那复仇之箭,Here we are to face the judging,我们在此面对审判,Waiting for fantasy eyes,期待着幻想之眼的出现,Life is struggling us,命运考验着我们,Cruel and never be kind,它总是残酷的,绝对不会有丝毫的友好,Banners dancing in the wind,旗帜在风暴中舞蹈,For her love for victory,为了她爱人的胜利归来,Carry on brothers hold tight your sword,前进吧,兄弟们,握紧你手中的剑,We are heading to the west,我们一路向西,The rage is burnning,怒火在燃烧,Offer strength to god of war,神的战争为此而更加严酷,Slay the enemies fight till we die,我们奋勇杀敌直到生命的最后一刻,If it*s our destiny,若这就是我们的命运,(For the final victory),(为了最后的胜利),Fighting with the dark,与黑暗抗衡,Searching for the light,追寻着光明,My rage is the will of god,我的愤怒来自神的意志,I am the arrow of revenge,我是那复仇之箭,Here we are to take the summoning,我们在此接受召唤,Choose to fight or choose to die,选择战斗或死亡,Destiny is calling us,命运正在召唤着我们,Our faith will break the night,我们的信仰将击碎黑暗,3. 最后的时刻 Last Moment,Take him down to the ground,将他们击倒在地,Drain up his last blood,让他流尽每一滴血液,Oh lord,I*ll hold to my belief,主啊,我会坚守我的信仰,War and death never end,战争和死亡永无休止,Blood and steel burn with rage,怒火燃烧着鲜血和武器,Oh,death.Dance with me tonight for I fear you not,死亡啊,我永远都不会惧怕你,今晚,与我共舞吧!,Take him down,击倒他,In front our god,在神的面前,Drain the blood,榨干他的血液,Kill him now,将他手刃,I see the gate of light open,我看见了光明之门已经打开,War and death,战争和死亡,Fire and steel,怒火和武器,Immortal hate,永恒不灭的仇恨,Lord of Dark,黑暗的领主,My death will lead me to the road of ultimate glory,死神将引领我去往最终的光荣之路,My faith is burning with the fire,我的信仰与怒火共焚,Burning so bright as the sun in the sky,像太阳一样燃烧得如此灿烂,And wind of the night take my soul afar,晚风将带着我的灵魂去向远方,To the night sky and the endless starlight,向着夜空和那无尽的星光,This is the night of my last stand,这是我生命中最后的夜晚,Redden this land with my blood,用我的鲜血染红这片土地,Tell my brothers I die with hornor,告诉我的兄弟我已光荣牺牲,Shed me no tears,不用为我流泪,I*ll bless them in heaven,我会在天堂祝福他们,4. 诀别 farewell,Crimson winds from the west,带着血腥味的西风,Bringing the message of war,传来的战争的信息,The land beneath my feet,脚下的大地,Is quivering with fear,在恐惧中颤抖着,Battle fields burning red in my dreams,在我的梦中战场燃起红色的火焰,———————————————————,Eagles flap wings to the sky,雄鹰展翅飞向天空,Horses neigh,马匹嘶吼,Clatter hooves,马蹄铮铮,I hear them calling,我听到了召唤,I hear them calling,我听到了召唤,———————————————————,Calling .calling for my heart,召唤,召唤着我的心,Calling me back to fight the enemy,召唤我回归杀敌,Fight for my kingdom,为我的王国战斗,For honour and freedom,为了荣誉和自由,So raise my blade again for glory,为了荣誉再次举起我的刀锋,———————————————————,Stars light up the night,星星照亮了夜空,By the lake I stand,我站在湖边,You*re by my side,你在我的身旁,I hear you singing,我听你的歌唱,I know you are weeping,我知你已哽咽,———————————————————,I hold you tight into my arms,我拥你入怀,I can feel your tears wet my shoulder,感到你的泪水染湿了我的肩膀,For tomorrow I*ll be on my way,明日我将启程,Cry for me not though it could be farewell,哭泣终不能阻止我的离开,Forall my life I*ve been looking for you,我穷尽一生找寻着你,But why can*t such happiness last forever,但为何幸福总是如此短暂,As vows I*ve taken ,for you I shall fight,我已发誓我将为你而战,So smile and wipe your tears,所以,拭去泪水微笑吧,Farewell my love,再见,我的爱,———————————————————,For one last time I hold your face,让我最后一次捧起你的脸,Run my fingers through your hair,指尖穿过你的黑发,———————————————————,How could I not miss these eyes,我怎能忘记如此美丽的双眼,Deeper than the lake,比湖泊还要深邃,Bluer than authumn sky,比秋日的天空还要蔚蓝,5. 地狱饕餮 dine in the hell,Clouds twisting with thunder,雷声阵阵乌云翻滚,Stars hide themselves behind,星星也藏了起来,How sweet she brought me last night,昨夜多么的甜蜜啊,But I have to leave,可惜我不得不离开,Please give me one more hug,请再给我一个拥抱,For millions of enemies have come,上千上万的敌人即将到来,Fight with my bravest brothers,我将与我勇敢的兄弟一起战斗,We will be the strongest,我们将是最强者,Hearts fell my revenge,复仇之心,Even the burning blood under my veins,在我的血液中燃烧,Hold on,bravest brothers,坚持住,我勇敢的兄弟,Let*s bleeding in the war,让我们血战到底,Wailing enemies should burden pain,轻叹敌人应为此付出痛苦的代价,Shilds are shining under moon,盾牌在月光下闪耀,Swords are clashing and singing,刀剑在碰撞中歌唱,How exciting when chopping,战斗如此的激烈,Enemies*s heads flying,敌人的头颅在飞舞,Ask for my forgiveness,哀求我的宽恕吧,When thee fell the thrill,当你们感到战栗,We are invincible soldiers,我们是不可战胜的勇士,Suddenly everything quiet,突然一切都安静下来,Nothing but my breath,只听见我的呼吸,Moon turn vulnerable and pale,月亮变得脆弱而苍白,The tomb of my hopes,正如我梦境中的坟墓,Worst things happened,可怕的事情发生了,Weare already betrayed,我们被出卖了,Darkness is coming,黑暗正在降临,My warriors falling,我的战士倒下了,They arefacing the earth,他们的脸贴着地面,Enemiesare parading,敌人正在游行,Have I abandoned my holly truth,我是否该放弃我神圣的信仰,Suddenly,light is bursting the cloud,突然,光明穿过了迷雾,I hear the voice in my mind,一个声音在我的脑海中响起,“Keep going,my king,继续前进吧,我的国王,Goddness is waiting for you.”,神正在等待着你,I shouldhold my fist tight to fight,我会握紧我的拳头去战斗,To find my fate angel,去寻找我命运中注定的天使,6. 不朽之王 Immortal king,Down in the deep of balckend mountains,在充斥漆黑阴影的山谷中,Sourounded by the still water without light,静寂的湖面吞噬了每丝光亮,Mysoul is called into the dead land,我的灵魂被召唤来到这死亡之地,No light no life only darkness,囚禁在幽深的阴影与虚无,This is the land of pain and death,这是属于痛苦与折磨的地狱,Demon in your nightmare you never seen,恐惧来自你不敢面对的梦魇,I am the lord of endless darkness,我是黑暗之王,King of death and all desires,主宰着生死和欲望,These areyour last words,这将是你最后的遗言,Forsoonyou*ll die by my hand,顷刻间我会将你手刃,Even the earth quivers for my warth,大地亦将在我的愤怒下颤抖,And the moon hide her face and cry,就连天上月亮也掩面而泣,I*m hereto send you back to hell,我将送你回到地狱,Your doomsady has come so,你的毁灭之日已经到来,Say yourprayers before your death,说出你的祈祷,在你殒命之前,Tell them whom I*ve defeated,告诉他们,我将谁击败,Even the earth quivers for my warth,大地亦将在我的愤怒下颤抖,And the moon hide her face and cry,就连天上的月亮也掩面而泣,Say my immortal name,说出我不朽的名字,And bow our knee again,然后双膝跪在我面前,Darknessblinded my eyes,就算黑暗遮蔽了双目,But the light in my heart,但光芒在我的心中,Will lead me to the victory I believe(should be the beacon to shin all sea),我相信意志会引领我到达胜利彼岸,Blast deafened my ears,巨大的声响震耳欲聋,But the insights of my mind,我能清楚地感觉到,Will drive me to the destiny Truly(will drive me to the pure faith eternally),潜伏在我心中那足以驾驭命运的力量,King fightalone with glory,君主为无上的荣誉而战,Will be sung by poets forever,诗人会永远将他不朽的传奇吟唱,7. 勇士之歌 warrior's ballad,Night falls and the fire burns brightly,夜幕降临,火光明亮,Here we sat and listen to a song so sad,让我们来听一首悲伤的歌谣,A song blows in the wind and a man remembered,歌谣在风中传诵,让我们回忆一个人,A story of the old times and a love never ends,那是关于一段古老的传说与永恒的爱,Where the morning star rises lies a warrior,星辰照耀在战士身上,Who left his home and followed by the eagles trail,他追随雄鹰飞翔,离开故乡,Who riding through the land with a horse so fast,骑着骏马奔驰,穿越天地,Who*s living and die and burried with his sword,他生而荣誉,随他的剑埋葬,With a belief of light in his heart,为了他心中燃烧的信念,He head deep into the darkness of night,他将不畏惧所有的黑暗,He brings life to the no life land,他给荒芜之地以生的希望,He raise hissword and fight till the death,挥舞长剑,奋力战斗直到死去,He has no tombstone to carve his name,他并没有刻着姓名的墓碑,But a tree grows tall in to the sky,但一颗大树却长得比天还高,All the birds and every flower tells his story,所有的鸟儿和花朵都传诵着他的故事,A story of awarrior and a love never ends,一个关于一个战士与永恒的爱的故事,8. 不灭之魂 My Spirit Will Go On,Life is a misery,don*t know how it*s come to be,生活充满莫名的苦难,Death,the epitome of all of our days,死亡之影铺满悲惨时日,In the past we had no choice to hear or to be the voice,过去我们不得不成为他的党羽喉舌,Close your eyes and visualize the demon to arise,现在闭上双目也能感应魔王在觉醒,You know that sanity is not asit was meant to be,所谓理智,不像人们期许中清明,And now that miseryhas taken a new stand,让人间的惨剧开始新的序章,In the land of a thousand souls we will carry on through the rain,生灵涂炭之地,我们奋力穿过暴雨,In the sun we will movealong with the memorise of the slain,骄阳似火,满着杀意前行,When I see this humanity and the evil that they have come to be,当我看见他们选择人道与兽性,We*ve come to thepoint of no return and you beg for just…,站在通往地狱的岔路口,听见人们诉求…,One more time to escape from all this madness,请让我再次逃离所有的疯狂,One more time to be set free from all this sadness,请让我再次放逐所有的悲伤,And one last time tobe the one who understands,最后请让我了然所有的真相,My soul and my spirit will go on,for all of etemity,让我的灵魂与意志永不灭亡,Foreign the currency,your payment in blood to be,被掠夺的所有都会以鲜血偿还,Death is the destiny for all of our ways,死亡是我们身体里奔流的宿命,In the dark you hideaway for who or what you can*t say,你不能言说的一切将隐于黑暗,When I see the power of the demon come alive,直到这时代的魔王来主宰一切,You know that sanity is not as it was meant to be,所谓理智,不像人们期许中清明,And now that misery has taken a new stand,让人间的惨剧开始崭新的序章,On the wings ofeagles flying staring on to the sun,伫立在雄鹰的翅膀上仰望太阳,Reaching for the gold horizon when the war shall be won,金色地平线标记我们胜利的方向,Can you see the debauchery and the blade of death that has come for thee,你看见堕落与死亡为他们而来么,In winds of torment forever more you will cry for just…,地狱的炽风中,他们会永远凄厉撕嚎…

歌手/但丁之舟.txt · 最后更改: 2022/05/10 18:08 (外部编辑)